Affiliate Organizations are affiliated with National STAR and are state-level sponsors of a program to use the STAR framework to recognize, inspire, guide, and reward agricultural producers as they transition production systems to include more conservation practices based on the tools and guidance provided by STAR.
Champaign County Soil and Water Conservation District (CCSWCD), a local unit of government lead by a 5-member elected board has been involved from the very inception of STAR. The board is passionate about supporting Illinois STAR’s continued success; Chairman Steve Stierwalt and Vice Chair Joe Rothermel are the co-founders of STAR. CCSWCD has held multiple grants that support Illinois STAR projects. Funders have included Illinois Soybean Association, The Walton Family Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD).
IDOA has required the STAR Tool as part of the application packet for their Partners-For-Conservation (PFC) Cost-Share Program, making Illinois STAR effectively the 3rd party verifier for PFC Cost-Share recipients. IDOA and Illinois STAR have worked together to develop education and training opportunities, to encourage the adoption of agricultural conservation practices and to raise awareness regarding nutrient and soil loss mitigation. These objectives align with the soil health goals set forth by the Illinois General Assembly Public Act 103-0490, and the passing of the Public Act spurred the official agreement between IDOA and STAR.